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Lab Life

Ringaile presenting a poster at the 4thZebrafish for Personalized and Precision Medicine Conference in Toronto (2019)

Xmas Dinner

GSN Conference, Cambridge 2018

Jon Griffin giving an invited talk at the ICT

Celebrating Xmas

Celebrating Success - PhD VIVA
(Callum Walker)

Celebrating Success - PhD VIVA
(Mat Jurga)

Celebrating Success - PhD VIVA
(Jacob Parker)

Organisation of the Personalised Medicine Conference, Cairo 2018

Firth court, Sheffield

DNA Repair Conference, Cambridge

A-T Conference, China

MBB Graduation, Sheffield

Gordon conference, Cambridge

GDSC, Brighton

Students at the front desk in a conference organised by the lab

IBRO Conference, Labenon

DNA Model, Sussex
Lab Life: Team
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